A 12-Week Live Journey
The Secure Attachment Experience
Starting March 12th
Heal your attachment together with a warm and caring community, supported by experts in the field.
Your Path Toward Secure Attachment

Tired of Struggling in Your Relationships?
- Do you feel uncomfortable taking up space and expressing your needs?
- Do you find it hard to set boundaries, afraid that others will leave if you do?
- Are you filling emotional emptiness with addictions or substances?
- Do you fear or avoid commitment?
- Do you judge yourself for needing constant validation and reassurance?
- Do you find it hard to reach out to others in times of need?
- Do you overvalue or undervalue sex to assess the quality of your relationship?
- Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by relationships?
- Do you unwillingly end up in the push-pull dynamic of chasing or avoiding?
- Do you overthink the meaning of behaviors and interactions with others?
- Do you find it difficult to trust that you are loved and appreciated?
If you recognize yourself, we assure you that you are not alone. Fortunately, there is another way.
Heal Your Attachment Wounds. Heal Your Connections.
Living from an inner state of secure attachment will increasingly unlock your resources and capacity for real intimacy, authenticity, and independence. With earned security, you have the trust and capacity to care for both your own needs and those of others, and you feel confident in your ability to repair ruptures and conflicts with the people you care about.
How would you feel if you could experience deeper trust, aliveness, and connection with others?
What would your life look like if you were free from your most troublesome relationship patterns?
What would it be like to understand your deepest needs and communicate them without blame or fear?

Join The Free Attachment Awareness Webinar
Explore Your Path Toward Secure Attachment
Jan 29th at 6PM CET
Get a taste of our 12-week program and explore the journey toward secure attachment.
Register For FreeAre You Ready to Engage in Deep Attachment Work to Heal Your Relationship Wounds?
Attachment work is the most profound way to heal and create healthy relationships. The missing key in psychological healing is often the process of moving from an insecure to a secure state of being. Our 12-week program will equip you with the tools and practices to empower you on the journey toward a secure attachment.
A 12-Week Live Journey
Your Path Toward Secure Attachment
Your Journey – In Community – Professional Guidance
Gain the tools and practices that empower your journey toward a secure attachment.
The Wisdom and Science of How to Change Your Attachment Style
The research on attachment theory, adult developmental psychology, and neurobiology has established that secure attachment is a deep self-organizing structure of our being that can be strengthened and solidified in adult life. In other words, with the right practices, your current attachment style can be transformed into a more secure state, empowering you to self-regulate your emotions, build healthy lasting relationships, and become the secure base for yourself and others.
The unique approach of The Secure Base Lab will guide you through 12 modules filled with the wisdom and science of cutting-edge attachment psychology. During the journey, you gain the experience, tools, and practices to establish the foundation and path toward secure attachment.
Our 12-week experience is the only attachment program that gives you the felt experience of an empowering community, supported by a team of professional psychologists and coaches within the field.
A 12-Week Live Journey
Your Path Toward Secure Attachment
Your Journey – In Community – Professional Guidance
Gain the tools and practices that empower your journey toward a secure attachment.
The Wisdom and Science of How to Change Your Attachment Style
The research on attachment theory, adult developmental psychology, and neurobiology has established that secure attachment is a deep self-organizing structure of our being that can be strengthened and solidified in adult life. In other words, with the right practices, your current attachment style can be transformed into a more secure state, empowering you to self-regulate your emotions, build healthy lasting relationships, and become the secure base for yourself and others.
The unique approach of The Secure Base Lab will guide you through 12 modules filled with the wisdom and science of cutting-edge attachment psychology. During the journey, you gain the experience, tools, and practices to establish the foundation and path toward Secure Attachment.
This, and much more, is exactly what you’ll learn in the Attachment-Based Coaching Program - the only Attachment Program with the felt experience of an empowering community, supported by a team of professional psychologists and coaches.
The Program Will Enable You to
- Learn the fundamentals of secure attachment to empower yourself
- Understand and gain clarity about your own attachment patterns
- Share and express your authentic self with others
- Express needs instead of acting out
- Learn the tools and skills to self-regulate complex and difficult feelings
- Trust that vulnerability leads to strength
- Learn the “attachment language” to put words on difficult inner states, helping you to solve conflicts better
- Become the secure base that embraces and celebrates others in their authentic self
- Learn the wisdom and science of attachment psychology for deeper connection and authentic relating
- Attune to your deepest needs and expressions of autonomy and interconnectedness in yourself and others
- Find new creativity and vitality in love and work

The 12 Modules
The Secure Attachment Experience is a live online experience. The program runs over 12 weeks between March 12th—June 1st, every Wednesday at 5.30-7.30 PM (CET) and Sunday at 10.30-12 AM (CET). This gives you time to integrate the state-of-the-art exercises and applied science that the program rests on. The live format enables you to interact in real-time with a psychologist and most of all, with other fellow travelers on the journey.
The sessions are 120 minutes and hosted on Zoom. They include a powerful blend of meditations, attachment psychology, sharing, coaching, and Q&A. In between the sessions, you’ll be provided with exercises and reflections carefully chosen to deepen your practice. All sessions are recorded and you are welcome to join from anywhere in the world.
Modules 1-4: A Secure Base
Module 1 The Journey To Secure
Wednesday Mar 12th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Mar 16th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Embark on the journey toward secure attachment in a cutting-edge group format including deep sharing and support, somatic grounding meditations, and live coaching. Our beacon on this first meeting together is vulnerability and compassion. In this foundational 4-hour session we set the tone and culture for this 12-week journey while understanding the existential value of living from a state of secure inner dynamics.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the concept of the secure base
- Gaining insight into different attachment patterns and foundational attachment psychology
- Learning the attachment continuum model
- Understanding the importance of narrative coherence and personal rituals of safe space
- Personal attachment-related goals # 1
- Applying the attachment practice model
- Understanding levels of engagement and how it relates to progress
Module 2 - The Roots of Attachment
Wednesday Mar 19th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Mar 23rd, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
The unconscious source of our relational identity is within attachment theory called Internal Working Models, and we could think of them as relational archetypal truths, but even more simply put, as core beliefs. These are internalized truths about our interpersonal self and unconscious assumptions and expectations of others, ourselves, and the dynamic between us.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding how our attachment patterns are formed during childhood
- Gaining deeper insight into your attachment style
- Learning how core beliefs influence your relationships daily
- Experiencing the emotions related to met and unmet attachment needs
- Learning tools to transform core beliefs
- Personal attachment-related goals # 2
Module 3 - How to change your attachment style as an adult
Wednesday Mar 25th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Mar 30th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
Learn the essential experiences, mindset, tools, and stories of change that support us in the work of healing and transformation.
Close relationships play a pivotal role in the journey to earning attachment security. The lived experience and all the research on earning a secure attachment as an adult say that this is deep work. While this is a very individual path there is also emerging a lot of evidence around the process and practices that benefit most of us as we make the effort to change.
Understanding attachment change can have profound implications, as it provides insights into how we can heal from past attachment wounds and develop more secure and fulfilling relationships in adulthood. The journey to attachment security is a complex and profound one, with the potential to bring about positive change and emotional well-being
Also, as a unique part of The Secure Base Lab community, we all get to practice peer support and various forms of "reaching outward." This might involve passing on the security we have gained by connecting with others and practicing being secure figures to others who need support in their attachment journeys. The process of becoming a secure attachment figure for someone else can be transformative, reinforcing one's attachment security.
Moreover, working on three key types of relationships—relationships with family of origin, relationships with oneself, and relationships with others—results in increased attachment security.
Learning Objectives:
- Exploring the mindset of doing attachment work (expectations, resilience, and psychological change theory)
- Gaining deeper insight into the different components of attachment repair
Module 4 - Attachment Awareness
Wednesday Apr 2nd, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 6th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
Our attachment needs are the natural and real impulses for validation, comfort, soothing, and reassurance that occur when we, as children, naturally face the joys, challenges, and distress of life. As adults, these needs are still present but less conscious and get triggered in close relationships. The first step is to become aware that we have been triggered by the other person and that our attachment system is online, using all of its powers to adaptively or maladaptively meet those fundamental human needs. The emotional responses that give rise to fight, flight, and freeze reactions are crucial to recognize and engage with. This is the basis for self-regulation.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding how attachment awareness can stop the ”insecure dance”
- Gaining deeper insight into the different components of attachment repair
- Learning the attachment awareness model
- Building the capacity to hold the emotions related to met and unmet attachment needs
- Personal attachment-related goals # 3
Modules 5-8: The Core State
Module 5 - Self-regulation
Wednesday Apr 9th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 13th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
In the early periods of our lives, we all found helpful and less helpful strategies to handle ourselves emotionally. What might have started as an adaptive behavior, for many of us developed into difficulties handling and regulating emotional states. Depending on our personal history, we all have our particular style of self-regulation that correlates to our attachment patterns. This involves the entire bio-psycho-socio-spiritual aspects of our being such as neurobiology, hormonal balance, affective system, interpersonal connections, and the existential view of our lives. During the 10 weeks, we will emphasize the emotional core regulation, as the key component that interconnects with all other areas of self-regulation, which is the most difficult for many of us to manage.
Learning Objectives:
- Learning the 5 steps of emotion regulation
- Finding a personal strategy to “open up” emotionally and face emotional avoidance
- How to recognize general emotional states & attachment-related emotions
- Understanding the value of corrective emotional experiences
- Practicing the foundation of attachment-based somatic self-regulation
Module 6 - Being the Secure Base
Wednesday Apr 16th 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 20th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
Learn how to soften your own and others' reactivity to the insecure patterns of relating in close relationships. Moving away from blaming ourselves and others by practicing to be more secure in our behaviors
Going deeper into your unique path of practicing being secure for yourself and others most often involves a change in all the areas of your life. Emotionally we learn more and more how to self-regulate our insecure states, cognitively we find the courage to face the unhelpful core beliefs stemming from our childhood, and physically we increase our capacity to find relaxation and balance in our bodily experience. The secure dynamic in a close relationship of course also needs the last piece of the puzzle, our secure behaviors. Depending on where we most often find ourselves on the continuum of secure-insecure relating, the challenge of changing behaviors will look different as we might lean more toward avoidant, anxious, or dis-organized forms of attachment.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognizing what secure relating looks and feels like
- Embodying the 3 pillars of being the Secure Base
- Caring for attachment needs (inner child work)
- Learning how to practice acts of trust
- How to understand conflict from the perspective of attachment needs
- Learning how to increase your ability for rupture-repair
Module 7 - Deep Self-Awareness & The Core State
Wednesday Apr 23rd, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 27th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
An attachment style immersion. During this module, you will get the opportunity to re-visit and further experience the core attachment patterns and needs that you carry with you from childhood. We take another deep dive into our personal style of creating relationships while also clarifying the unmet needs that might still be alive with us today
As we become more aware of our separations, losses, and disappointments we might also come closer to difficult emotions. This can be related to avoided experiences of having been related to in an insecure way or from us not having had the capacity for being secure to others. Either way, as we gain the awareness and capacity for accessing and holding our emotional states, we often get in touch with difficult feelings such as grief, anger, shame, guilt, and longing.
When we can slowly and safely process these emotional states, and as we move through the different phases of attachment healing we are more able to access our mental and emotional states that originate from fundamental attachment needs. We are more and more able to support ourselves in this process and gain the capacity to recognize the Core State - allowing our authentic and coherent Self to come to the fore.
Learning Objectives:
- Gaining a more “inside-out” experience of your attachment patterns
- Finding healthy ways of dealing with losses
- Exploring your unique ways of finding more authentic expressions of needs and wants
Module 8 - Interpersonal Awareness
Wednesday Apr 30th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 4th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
Deepen your understanding of how you affect people and how they affect you from the attachment perspective of creating safety and embodied security.
Drawing from the core skill of reflective functioning*, and by building on the awareness we have gained from our previous work we aim to unlock the self-awareness we need for supporting both ourselves and others through different phases of connection, bonding, conflict, repair, and separations. Reflective functioning (born out of attachment research) is the essential and multidimensional ability to reflect on internal mental states such as feelings, wishes, goals, and attitudes, about both the self and others.
Learning Objectives:
- Deepening your capacity for interpersonal awareness
- Increasing your “mindful-of-needs” ability
- Learning and practicing tools for attachment-related communication and repair
Modules 9-10: Authentic Living & Relating + 11-12 Integration Modules
Module 9 - Building Secure Relationships
Wednesday May 7th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 11th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
Being authentic around our deepest needs and boundaries helps us build a deeper capacity for intimacy and autonomy. During this module, we will build further on the experiences, tools, and practices we learned and take steps forward in building secure relationships.
When we are clear about our own needs and can share that vulnerably, we open up the communication for everyone around us to do the same. We can be honest, safe, and authentic which has the potential to meet both our needs for connection and autonomy. As we become more clear on needs, we also get clear around boundaries. We learn how to find a clear yes or no, which makes us transparent and accessible to those we care about. From that safe place, we can co-regulate. This is a great gift to ourselves and to those we relate to.
Learning Objectives:
- Practices secure relating
- Gaining deeper insight into the different components of attachment repair
- Learning how to express needs and boundaries in a clear and open way
- Discovering how your authentic expression inspires others to do the same
Module 10 - Attachment and how it affects: sex, love, parenting, friendship, and spirituality
Wednesday May 14th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 18th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
During the last module before the integration period, we dive into different areas of our lives where our attachment patterns also play a part in how we relate. You will get the chance to choose your areas of personal interest to explore and go deeper.
As we start to move toward more secure states of being we also start to recognize other areas of life where connection and independence are related to our attachment patterns. When we make steps along the way and slowly start to see progress, it’s natural to want to spread that into other relationships. With the experience from the 10 weeks, we hope that you will find the hope and confidence to go for what you want and need in those areas of life, feeling more secure and safe as you take those steps. We aim to integrate security into all areas of our life.
PS. Remember that security and safety are the ground for exploration and play.
Module 11 - Integration #1
Wednesday May 21st, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 25th, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
Integration Module # 1
During the appreciated integration sessions, we reflect and review the journey we have been on. We harvest the learnings and recognize our steps forward toward a more inner state of security. We celebrate new acts of trust in relationships and also grieve losses we have come to acknowledge. This is also the time to connect back with the group and share our ups and downs as we integrate the knowledge and experiences. We will also have immersions into the deeper questions around attachment change during the “community dialogues” and Q&A.
Module 12 - Integration # 2
Wednesday May 28th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday June 1st, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
Integration Module # 2
During the appreciated integration sessions, we reflect and review the journey we have been on. We harvest the learnings and recognize our steps forward toward a more inner state of security. We celebrate new acts of trust in relationships and also grieve losses we have come to acknowledge. This is also the time to connect back with the group and share our ups and downs as we integrate the knowledge and experiences. We will also have immersions into the deeper questions around attachment change during the “community dialogues” and Q&A.
The 12 Program Modules
The Secure Attachment Experience is a live online cohort-based program. The program runs over 12 weeks between March 12th—June 1st, every Wednesday at 5.30-7.30 PM (CET) and Sunday at 10 30-12 AM(CET). The live format enables you to interact in real-time with our psychologist, therapists, coaches and most of all, with other fellow travelers on the journey.
The sessions are 120 minutes and hosted on Zoom. They include a powerful blend of meditations, attachment psychology, sharing, coaching, and Q&A. In between the sessions, you’ll be provided with exercises and reflections carefully chosen to deepen your practice. All sessions are recorded and you are welcome to join from anywhere in the world.
Modules 1-4: A Secure Base
Module 1 The Journey To Secure
Wednesday Mar 12th, 5.30-7.30
Sunday Mar 16th,
10.30-12 AM (CET)
Embark on the journey toward secure attachment in a cutting-edge group format including deep sharing and support, somatic grounding meditations, and live coaching. Our beacon on this first meeting together is vulnerability and compassion. In this foundational 4-hour session we set the tone and culture for this 12-week journey while understanding the existential value of living from a state of secure inner dynamics.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the concept of the secure base
- Gaining insight into different attachment patterns and foundational attachment psychology
- Learning the attachment continuum model
- Understanding the importance of narrative coherence and personal rituals of safe space
- Personal attachment-related goals # 1
- Applying the attachment practice model
- Understanding levels of engagement and how it relates to progress
Module 2 - The Roots of Attachment
Wednesday Mar 19th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Mar 23rd, 10.30-12 AM (CET)
The unconscious source of our relational identity is within attachment theory called Internal Working Models, and we could think of them as relational archetypal truths, but even more simply put, as core beliefs. These are internalized truths about our interpersonal self and unconscious assumptions and expectations of others, ourselves, and the dynamic between us.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding how our attachment patterns are formed during childhood
- Gaining deeper insight into your attachment style
- Learning how core beliefs influence your relationships daily
- Experiencing the emotions related to met and unmet attachment needs
- Learning tools to transform core beliefs
- Personal attachment-related goals # 2
Module 3 - How to change your attachment style as an adult
Wednesday Mar 26th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Mar 30th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Learn the essential experiences, mindset, tools, and stories of change that support us in the work of healing and transformation.
Close relationships play a pivotal role in the journey to earning attachment security. The lived experience and all the research on earning a secure attachment as an adult say that this is deep work. While this is a very individual path there is also emerging a lot of evidence around the process and practices that benefit most of us as we make the effort to change.
Understanding attachment change can have profound implications, as it provides insights into how we can heal from past attachment wounds and develop more secure and fulfilling relationships in adulthood. The journey to attachment security is a complex and profound one, with the potential to bring about positive change and emotional well-being
Also, as a unique part of The Secure Base Lab community, we all get to practice peer support and various forms of "reaching outward." This might involve passing on the security we have gained by connecting with others and practicing being secure figures to others who need support in their attachment journeys. The process of becoming a secure attachment figure for someone else can be transformative, reinforcing one's attachment security.
Moreover, working on three key types of relationships—relationships with family of origin, relationships with oneself, and relationships with others—results in increased attachment security.
Learning Objectives:
- Exploring the mindset of doing attachment work (expectations, resilience, and psychological change theory)
- Gaining deeper insight into the different components of attachment repair
Module 4 - Attachment Awareness
Wednesday Apr 2nd, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 6th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Our attachment needs are the natural and real impulses for validation, comfort, soothing, and reassurance that occur when we, as children, naturally face the joys, challenges, and distress of life. As adults, these needs are still present but less conscious and get triggered in close relationships. The first step is to become aware that we have been triggered by the other person and that our attachment system is online, using all of its powers to adaptively or maladaptively meet those fundamental human needs. The emotional responses that give rise to fight, flight, and freeze reactions are crucial to recognize and engage with. This is the basis for self-regulation.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding how attachment awareness can stop the ”insecure dance”
- Gaining deeper insight into the different components of attachment repair
- Learning the attachment awareness model
- Building the capacity to hold the emotions related to met and unmet attachment needs
- Personal attachment-related goals # 3
Modules 5-8: The Core State
Module 5 - Self-regulation
Wednesday Apr 9th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 13th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
In the early periods of our lives, we all found helpful and less helpful strategies to handle ourselves emotionally. What might have started as an adaptive behavior, for many of us developed into difficulties handling and regulating emotional states. Depending on our personal history, we all have our particular style of self-regulation that correlates to our attachment patterns. This involves the entire bio-psycho-socio-spiritual aspects of our being such as neurobiology, hormonal balance, affective system, interpersonal connections, and the existential view of our lives. During the 10 weeks, we will emphasize the emotional core regulation, as the key component that interconnects with all other areas of self-regulation, which is the most difficult for many of us to manage.
Learning Objectives:
- Learning the 5 steps of emotion regulation
- Finding a personal strategy to “open up” emotionally and face emotional avoidance
- How to recognize general emotional states & attachment-related emotions
- Understanding the value of corrective emotional experiences
- Practicing the foundation of attachment-based somatic self-regulation
Module 6 - Being the Secure Base
Wednesday Apr 16th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 20th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Learn how to soften your own and others' reactivity to the insecure patterns of relating in close relationships. Moving away from blaming ourselves and others by practicing to be more secure in our behaviors
Going deeper into your unique path of practicing being secure for yourself and others most often involves a change in all the areas of your life. Emotionally we learn more and more how to self-regulate our insecure states, cognitively we find the courage to face the unhelpful core beliefs stemming from our childhood, and physically we increase our capacity to find relaxation and balance in our bodily experience. The secure dynamic in a close relationship of course also needs the last piece of the puzzle, our secure behaviors. Depending on where we most often find ourselves on the continuum of secure-insecure relating, the challenge of changing behaviors will look different as we might lean more toward avoidant, anxious, or dis-organized forms of attachment.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognizing what secure relating looks and feels like
- Embodying the 3 pillars of being the Secure Base
- Caring for attachment needs (inner child work)
- Learning how to practice acts of trust
- How to understand conflict from the perspective of attachment needs
- Learning how to increase your ability for rupture-repair
Module 7 - Deep Self-Awareness & The Core State
Wednesday Apr 23rd, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday Apr 27th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
An attachment style immersion. During this module, you will get the opportunity to re-visit and further experience the core attachment patterns and needs that you carry with you from childhood. We take another deep dive into our personal style of creating relationships while also clarifying the unmet needs that might still be alive with us today
As we become more aware of our separations, losses, and disappointments we might also come closer to difficult emotions. This can be related to avoided experiences of having been related to in an insecure way or from us not having had the capacity for being secure to others. Either way, as we gain the awareness and capacity for accessing and holding our emotional states, we often get in touch with difficult feelings such as grief, anger, shame, guilt, and longing.
When we can slowly and safely process these emotional states, and as we move through the different phases of attachment healing we are more able to access our mental and emotional states that originate from fundamental attachment needs. We are more and more able to support ourselves in this process and gain the capacity to recognize the Core State - allowing our authentic and coherent Self to come to the fore.
Learning Objectives:
- Gaining a more “inside-out” experience of your attachment patterns
- Finding healthy ways of dealing with losses
- Exploring your unique ways of finding more authentic expressions of needs and wants
Module 8 - Interpersonal Awareness
Wednesday Apr 30th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 4th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Deepen your understanding of how you affect people and how they affect you from the attachment perspective of creating safety and embodied security.
Drawing from the core skill of reflective functioning*, and by building on the awareness we have gained from our previous work we aim to unlock the self-awareness we need for supporting both ourselves and others through different phases of connection, bonding, conflict, repair, and separations. Reflective functioning (born out of attachment research) is the essential and multidimensional ability to reflect on internal mental states such as feelings, wishes, goals, and attitudes, about both the self and others.
Learning Objectives:
- Deepening your capacity for interpersonal awareness
- Increasing your “mindful-of-needs” ability
- Learning and practicing tools for attachment-related communication and repair
Modules 9-10: Authentic Living & Relating + 11-12 Integration Modules
Module 9 - Building Secure Relationships
Wednesday May 7th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 11th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Being authentic around our deepest needs and boundaries helps us build a deeper capacity for intimacy and autonomy. During this module, we will build further on the experiences, tools, and practices we learned and take steps forward in building secure relationships.
When we are clear about our own needs and can share that vulnerably, we open up the communication for everyone around us to do the same. We can be honest, safe, and authentic which has the potential to meet both our needs for connection and autonomy. As we become more clear on needs, we also get clear around boundaries. We learn how to find a clear yes or no, which makes us transparent and accessible to those we care about. From that safe place, we can co-regulate. This is a great gift to ourselves and to those we relate to.
Learning Objectives:
- Practices secure relating
- Gaining deeper insight into the different components of attachment repair
- Learning how to express needs and boundaries in a clear and open way
- Discovering how your authentic expression inspires others to do the same
Module 10 - Attachment and how it affects: sex, love, parenting, friendship, and spirituality
Wednesday May 14th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 18th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
During the last module before the integration period, we dive into different areas of our lives where our attachment patterns also play a part in how we relate. You will get the chance to choose your areas of personal interest to explore and go deeper.
As we start to move toward more secure states of being we also start to recognize other areas of life where connection and independence are related to our attachment patterns. When we make steps along the way and slowly start to see progress, it’s natural to want to spread that into other relationships. With the experience from the 10 weeks, we hope that you will find the hope and confidence to go for what you want and need in those areas of life, feeling more secure and safe as you take those steps. We aim to integrate security into all areas of our life.
PS. Remember that security and safety are the ground for exploration and play.
Module 11 - Integration #1
Wednesday May 21st, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday May 25th, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Integration Module # 1
During the appreciated integration sessions, we reflect and review the journey we have been on. We harvest the learnings and recognize our steps forward toward a more inner state of security. We celebrate new acts of trust in relationships and also grieve losses we have come to acknowledge. This is also the time to connect back with the group and share our ups and downs as we integrate the knowledge and experiences. We will also have immersions into the deeper questions around attachment change during the “community dialogues” and Q&A.
Module 12 - Integration # 2
Wednesday May 28th, 5:30-7:30 PM (CET)
Sunday June 1st, 10.30-12 PM (CET)
Integration Module # 2
During the appreciated integration sessions, we reflect and review the journey we have been on. We harvest the learnings and recognize our steps forward toward a more inner state of security. We celebrate new acts of trust in relationships and also grieve losses we have come to acknowledge. This is also the time to connect back with the group and share our ups and downs as we integrate the knowledge and experiences. We will also have immersions into the deeper questions around attachment change during the “community dialogues” and Q&A.
What Others Say About the Program
”Having the opportunity to share difficult things in a group and be lovingly received was very meaningful to me, as it acts as an antidote to isolation. Also, witnessing the vulnerability and courage of others gave me the self-acceptance and awareness I needed to feel better."
“I can really recommend this experience to anyone who wants to increase their awareness of themselves, their relationships and heal relational wounds”
"The facilitator created such a warm and safe space together with the amazing participants! This has been an unforgettable journey that truly touched the deepest parts of me."
"Coming from an avoidant attachment, I can now see how I've distanced myself and how I've used drugs to compensate for unexpressed needs and emotions. Thanks to the course I've found a place in myself where I feel safe and calm without having to run away."
A Holistic Approach to Attachment Work
Unlike other attachment programs, your personal journey takes place in a community experience. At the core of this experience lies the interpersonal corrective experience which happens when we are validated, seen, and appreciated in our most authentic moments. With guidance from psychologists and coaches, you can feel safe every step of the way, while being supported and celebrated by others when you break through. This unique blend of professional guidance and community support empower you to manifest the person you most desire to be.

An Integrative Approach To Attachment Work
Unlike other attachment programs, your personal journey takes place in a community experience. At the core of this experience lies the interpersonal corrective experience which happens when we are validated, seen, and appreciated in our most authentic moments. With guidance from psychologists and coaches, you can feel safe every step of the way, while being supported and celebrated by others when you break through. This unique blend of professional guidance and community support empower you to manifest the person you most desire to be.

Personal Journey
Gain tools and practices that set you on a path toward secure attachment.

Feel safe and appreciated by others who, just like you, are committed to creating relationships that matter.

Professional Guidance
Receive guidance and support from a team of psychologists and therapists on every step of your way.
Meet the Facilitators
Our team of facilitators is here to guide and support you to feel safe, cared for, and empowered on your journey. They are experts in the fields of attachment theory, personal transformation, trauma therapy, coaching, psychology, somatic therapy, pedagogy, facilitation, and more.
Martin Jonsson

Meet The Facilitators
Our team of facilitators is here to guide and support you to feel safe, cared for, and empowered on your journey. They are experts in the fields of attachment theory, personal transformation, trauma therapy, coaching, psychology, somatic therapy, pedagogy, facilitation, and more.

Martin Jonsson

Jasmine Khan
Ivan Raphael
Trauma Therapist
Learn more about Ivan's work here: www.livingcounselling.dk
The 12-Week Experience
Value of $2499
- 12 Live Attachment Workshops
- 12 Live Practice Sessions
- Access To Course Platform
- Access To Emotional Support From An Expert
- Exclusive Videos About Attachment
- An Online Workbook
- Your Unique Attachment Assessment And Profile
- Review Recordings Anytime
- 3 Months Of Community Membership After The Program (value of $87)
After the Program, You Will
- Have ignited the process of attachment repair and core emotional healing
- Understand the wisdom & science of attachment psychology for deep connection and authentic relating
- Have experienced directly how relationship avoidance and anxiety have their roots in our unconscious core beliefs
- Have raised your Attachment Awareness
- Know how to regulate your overactivated attachment system
- Have a personal practice with cutting-edge insights, knowledge, and tools that lead to secure attachment and trusting relationships
- Have felt the loss and separations in your life with self-compassion
- Understand how our attachment psychology unconsciously impacts important areas of our life
- Own your deepest needs and expressions to experience true autonomy and interconnectedness
- Access new levels of creativity and vitality in love and work
- Finally, have a deeper sense of love in yourself and your relationships
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you aren’t satisfied with the program, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.
The 12-Week Experience
Value of $2499
- 12 Live Attachment Workshops
- 12 Live Practice Sessions
- 2 Bonus Integration Sessions
- Access To Course Platform
- Access To Emotional Support From An Expert
- Exclusive Videos About Attachment
- An Online Workbook
- Review Recordings Anytime
- 3 Months of Community Membership After the Program (value of $87)
After the Program, You Will
- Have a personal practice with cutting-edge insights, knowledge, and tools that lead to secure attachment and trusting relationships
- Have ignited the process of attachment repair and core emotional healing
- Understand the wisdom & science of attachment psychology for deep connection and authentic relating
- Have experienced directly how relationship avoidance and anxiety have their roots in our unconscious core beliefs
- Have raised your attachment awareness
- Know how to regulate your overactivated attachment system
- Have felt the loss and separations in your life with self-compassion
- Understand how our attachment psychology unconsciously impacts important areas of our life
- Own your deepest needs and expressions to experience true autonomy and interconnectedness
- Access new levels of creativity and vitality in love and work
- Finally, have a deeper sense of love in yourself and your relationships
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you aren’t satisfied with the program, let us know within the first 14 days for a full refund. No questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the program for?
The program is for anyone interested in
- Attachment work
- Personal development
- Attachment & trauma-sensitive healing
- Relationship healing
- Personal childhood history
- Coaching
- Therapy
Can attachment styles change in 3 months?
While it is possible, this is a personal journey. Hence, lasting change isn't guaranteed in the program. Decades of research into the dynamics of attachment change state that attachment style can change with deliberate efforts and support. Now, depending on the severity of our attachment wounds, and our current relational security around us, among other things, the pace of this process will vary.
We know that change is possible, and our role is to put you on the path to a secure attachment like we have done with hundreds of others.
Why do we do personal work in a group-setting?
This experience is unique in that you travel with others. You'll improve your relationship with yourself and others, as well as learn how to help others develop a secure attachment. The collective aspect of the program is what most people praise in the end.
The research community of therapeutic and supportive interventions agrees that group experiences are needed for healing, given the escalating pace of psychological distress related to interpersonal issues. At the heart of attachment-related change lies the corrective emotional experience, i.e. either self-expressing or witnessing deeply comforting and soothing interactions. By doing this deep work together as a community, we enhance and support each other to be vulnerable and authentic.
What role does coaching play in the program?
During the 12 weeks, you will work on your own and together with others through coaching-like conversations and reflections - all around your attachment history and your current changes. Furthermore, every session will engage you in a group coaching format to strengthen the outcomes of your attachment change.
We want your experience to be interactive and personal, so we limit each break-out group to a maximum of three participants. This gives you plenty of opportunities to ask questions and interact with one another.
With our facilitators having 20+ years of experience in both coaching and therapy, The Secure Base Lab approaches attachment work holistically and uniquely.
What if I can't participate in all the sessions?
We got your back! We'll send you a recording and summary of each module so that you can watch it whenever you're ready. We prefer seeing you live as this will deepen your experience and development.
I can't afford the program but really want to participate
We want to welcome as many people as possible with different backgrounds and circumstances. Therefore, we offer 5 scholarships for each program. Send an email to [email protected] and describe your deepest desire to participate in the program and how that matters for your life.
Want to Know More?
Join The Free Attachment Awareness Webinar
Jan 29th at 6PM CET
Get a taste of the program and explore your path toward secure attachment.
Register For Free00
About The Secure Base Lab
The Secure Base Lab is a growing community and "attachment ecosystem" centered around attachment work and relationship healing. Our community welcomes individuals from all corners of the world and walks of life to embark on the journey toward secure attachment, fostering genuine and enriching connections for overall well-being. We value the profound wisdom and scientific insights derived from deep relationships, understanding that the most impactful wisdom arises from those who have undergone the journey themselves or supported others in this transformative process. Our aim is to support each other in the healing process, guiding us through the complexities of a meaning crisis.
To achieve this, we've curated the experiences of thousands of individuals, like you and me, who have engaged in this work. This collective knowledge is informed by integrative and passionate professionals, including psychologists, therapists, coaches, and a diverse range of experts dedicated to healing relationships, particularly attachment relationships. Welcome to The Secure Base Lab!
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About The Secure Base Lab
The Secure Base Lab is a growing community and ecosystem centered around attachment and relationship healing. Our community welcomes individuals from all corners of the world to embark on the journey toward secure attachment, fostering genuine and enriching connections for overall well-being. We value the profound wisdom and scientific insights derived from deep relationships, understanding that the most impactful wisdom arises from those who have undergone the journey themselves or supported others in this transformative process. Our aim is to support each other in the healing process, guiding us through the complexities of a meaning crisis.
To achieve this, we've curated the experiences of thousands of individuals, like you and me, who have engaged in this work. This collective knowledge is informed by integrative and passionate professionals, including psychologists, therapists, coaches, and a diverse range of experts dedicated to healing relationships, particularly attachment relationships.
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Join our email list to hear about new programs, community opportunities, and other news in 2025.
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